    论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物/会议名称
    MANET下自适应的服务发现系统研究 翁海滨 2010 计算机科学
    农产品数量安全数据获取系统设计与实现 时俊苓 2010 全国现代农业与信息智能分析预警学术研讨会 上海农业学报
    Component Monitoring of OSGi-based Software 王焘 2010 IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering
    Towards Runtime Plug-and-Play Software 王焘 2010 2010 10th International Conference on Quality Software
    Empirical Evaluation of Content-based Pub/Sub Systems over Cloud Infrastructure 张彪 2010 EUC 2010, The 8th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, December 11-13, 2010, Hong Kong SAR, China.第八届嵌入式与普适计算国际会议
    基于组件模型分析的组件容器产品线体系结构 刘国梁 2010 软件学报
    一种资源敏感的Web应用性能诊断方法 王伟 2010 软件学报
    OnceRMF:一种效用驱动的中间件资源管理框架 张文博 2010 计算机科学与探索
    基于政务主题词表的政府信息本体构建及应用 卢燚 2010 计算机工程与设计
    JCA适配器基础开发框架的设计与实现 周伟 2010 计算机工程
    支持事件转换机制的Portlet协作的设计 严亮 2010 计算机应用与软件
    基于Eclipse的门户应用构建工具的设计与实现 徐琳 2010 计算机应用研究
    一种基于内容模型图的XML Schema Definition的提取方法 宁静 2010 计算机科学
    Towards PaaS Using Service-Oriented Component Model 王焘 2010 The 2th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware 2010第二届亚太网件研讨会
    Sequential Event Pattern Based Context-aware Adaptation 高楚舒 2010 The 2th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware 2010第二届亚太网件研讨会
    A New Approach to Performance Optimization of Mashups via Data Flow Refactoring 刘杰 2010 The 2th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware 2010第二届亚太网件研讨会44-51
    An Adaptive Fine-grained Performance Modeling Approach for Internetware 黄翔 2010 The 2th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware 2010第二届亚太网件研讨会108-114
    Middleware Support for Internetware:Service Perspective 叶春阳 2010 The 2th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware 2010第二届亚太网件研讨会
    Integrating Load Balancing into Channelization Strategy in Publish/Subscribe 陈海彪 2010 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications(AINA2010)
    A Two-Phase Approach to Subscription Subsumption Checking for Content-Based publish/Subscribe Systems 秦秀磊 2010 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications(AINA2010)
    Implementing Service-correlation Aware Service Selection 吴东尧 2010 ICSS20102010 International Conference on Service Sciences
    Detecting Data Inconsistency Failure of Composite Web Services through Parametric Stateful Aspect 吴国全 2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2010)
    Static Detection of Unsafe Use of Variables in Java Program 伍晓泉 2010 1st International Workshop on Software Trustworthiness(SoTrust 2010) Notification26-29 Oct. 2010 Xi’an, China
    野外车辆定位监控系统设计研究 李川 2010 全球定位系统
    基于COMPASS/CAPS野外车辆自动定位监控系统研究 李川 2010 第一届中国卫星导航学术年会论文集(下)
    高性能全流水线可控参数JPEG-LS编码器实现 刘嘉晗 2010 微电子学与计算机
    Accelerating Inverse of GF(2n) with Precomputation 徐磊 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6047/2010, 85-95
    refinement of miller's algorithm over edwards curves 徐磊 2010
    Congestion Control with Fixed Cost at the Domain Border 石志强 2010 The 2010 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication
    Efficient Address Updating for Seamless Handover in Multi-homed Mobile Wnvironments 乔元松 2010 IFIP会刊