    论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物/会议名称
    A Novel Distributed Index Approach for Service Discovery in MANETs 温元丰 2008-12-8 ICPADS 2008
    A Novel Distributed Index Approach for Service Discovery in MANETs 温元丰 2008-12-8 ICPADS 2008
    Fault-Tolerant Algorithms for Detecting Event regions in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Statistical Hypothesis Test 曹冬磊 2008-12-8 ICPADS 2008
    Mining Individual Performance Indicators in Collaborative Development Using Software Repositories 张瞫 2008-12-2 APSEC2008
    An Investigation on Performance of Software Enhancement Projects in China 何梅 2008-12-2 APSEC2008
    An Empirical Study on Interoperability between Service Discovery Protocols 金蓓弘 2008-12-17 EUC 2008
    AMBP:An Adaptive Mailbox Based Protocol for Mobile Agent Communication 张良 2008-12-17 EUC 2008
    An Integrity Assurance Mechanism for Run-Time Programs 徐梓耀 2008-12-14 The 4th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology(Inscrypt 2008)
    Separation of Duty in Trust-Based Collaboration 邓灵莉 2008-12-14 The 4th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology(Inscrypt 2008)
    FOMatch: A Fuzzy Ontology-based Semantic Matching Algorithm of Publish/Subscribe Systems 张巍巍 2008-12-10 ISE08
    面向Blog的兴趣挖掘和推荐系统 康楠 2008-1-20 计算机工程
    Developing a Concurrent Service Orchestration Engine Based on Event-driven Architecture 陈伟 2008-11-9 OTM 2008
    面向大规模数据集成消息中间件系统设计实现 李建峰 2008-1-16 计算机工程与设计
    基于素数序列的Java哈希表性能优化 廖名学 2008-1-16 计算机工程与应用
    线对象邻接关系快速重建算法 廖名学 2008-1-16 计算机应用研究
    Multimodal Chinese text entry with speech and keypad on mobile devices 姜映映 2008-1-13 2008智能用户界面国际会议
    Phrase Reordering with Flattened Bilingual Parsing Tree for SMT 张大鲲 2008-11-27 第四届全国机器翻译研讨会
    An Efficient Primitive Subscription Matching Alogorithm for RFID Applications 齐凤亮 2008-11-18 ICYCS 2008
    Service Authenticity in P2P File-Sharing 邓灵莉 2008-11-18 The 2008 International Symposium on Trusted Computing(Trustcom2008)
    Enforcing Separation of Duty in Ad Hoc Collaboration 邓灵莉 2008-11-17 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists(ICYCS2008)
    基于“VASE”特征词的网络查询分类研究 王俞霖 2008-11-15 全国信息检索与内容安全会议
    基于上下文图模型文本表示的文本分类研究 黄云平 2008-11-15 全国信息检索与内容安全会议
    一种基于SOA和Pub/Sub的过程驱动的工具集成框架 蒋岸明 2008-11-11 NASAC 2008
    Trajectory Prediction for Routing Optimization in Pub/Sub Systems 林晨 2008-11-11 ICCIT 2008
    基于方面模板的分布式组件系统性能预测方法 黄翔 2008-11-11 NASAC 2008
    基于状态方面的Web服务动态替换 窦文生 2008-11-11 NASAC 2008
    一种基于SOA和Pub/Sub的过程驱动的工具集成框架 蒋岸明 2008-11-11 计算机科学
    Real-time Reasoning based on Event-condition-action Rules 乔颖 2008-11-10 OTM 2008 Workshops
    Trusted Reputation Management for Peer-to-Peer Collaboration 邓灵莉 2008-11-10 The 7th OnTheMove Federated Conferences and Workshops(OTM2008)
    海量层次信息的Focus+Context交互式可视化 任磊 2008-11-1 软件学报