[09-20] From Vision to Text: Data-driven Automated Bug Replay

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2023-09-18  |  【打印】 【关闭


Title: From Vision to Text: Data-driven Automated Bug Replay

SpeakerChunyang Chen, Monash University

Time2023920 周三,10:00-11:00 am



Abstract: During the software development process, the capacity to meticulously replay bugs is a foundational element in safeguarding the system reliability. Given the substantial number of reported bugs in prevalent software, automating the bug replay process is becoming an imperative necessity. Contemporary strategies often encounter numerous drawbacks including inaccurate reproductions, significant overheads, and an absence of contextual insights, which inadvertently fuel inefficient debugging processes. In this talk, he is going to introduce his latest works (e.g., ICSE'23, FSE'23, Ubicomp'23) on different aspects of automated bug replay, from visual and textual reports, by leveraging data-driven methods including ChatGPT and computer-vision algorithms. He will also briefly talk about application of bug replay technology into human-computer interaction domain i.e., UI automation.


Bio: Dr Chunyang Chen is a tenured senior lecturer (Associate Prof) in the Faculty of IT, Monash University, Australia. His main research interest lies in automated software engineering, especially data-driven mobile app development. Besides, he is also interested in Human-Computer Interaction and software security. He has published 80+ research papers in top venues such as ICSE, FSE, ASE, CHI, CSCW with extensive collaboration with industry, including Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Alibaba. His research has won awards including ACM SIGSOFT Early Career Researcher Award, Facebook Research Award, four ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards (ICSE'23/21/20, ASE'18), and multiple best paper/demo awards.